Environmental Science
Gas chromatography is used to test for persistent organic contaminants in water, soils, sediments, and air (including the well-known greenhouse gases). These may include volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides, and halogenated compounds. Additional common uses are to study the decomposition of hydrocarbon materials originating from oil under natural conditions and the evaluation of the bioremediation efforts of polluted environments.
Known advantages of VUV Spectroscopy
- Unambiguous identification and quantitation of analytes in complex matrices, including structural isomers
- Rapid, single detector analysis of TO-15 air quality standard samples
- VUV AnalyzeTM provides a new tool for automated environmental analyte compound class characterization
- Complete PCB VUV library to support targeted analysis
- Easy to understand analysis by Beer-Lambert Law (same principle used in UV-Vis spectroscopy)